Spoofing - This Time It's Personal!
Acol Parish Council
As the Acol Parish Webmaster, and Manager of the Acol Facebook page, I post the alerts we receive from Neighbourhood Watch, which frequently feature Internet criminals. There have now been occasions when my own Councillor email address has been spoofed so, this time, it's personal!
If you receive a suspicious email from me (or anyone for that matter) especially if it asks for money or personal details, the first thing to do is double-click on the purported sending address. This will display the correct source address that you can then block and report as junk mail. Whilst I'm sorry for the sad person(s) whose life is so dull and unrewarding that they seeks amusement (or, worse, reward) from trying to deceive people, I am sorrier for people inconvenienced by their pathetic behaviour. On no account should you ever respond to such emails! I am linking a webpage with more information about "spoofing".
Contact Information
Sara Archer (Parish Clerk)
- 07712 430142
Find Acol Parish Council
Village Hall, The Street, Acol, Birchington, Kent, CT7 0JA
Additional Information
CCTV Cameras: Please report any incident in The Street to the Parish Council on 01843 821989. The Acol community has its own Facebook page:- www.facebook.com/Acol.Village/