Review of Thanet DC Wards & nos. of Councillors
Acol Parish Council
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has launched a public consultation around its proposals to reduce the number of District Councillors in Thanet, as part of its review of the district's existing ward boundaries. The Commission has decided that the number of councillors in Thanet should be 42. This is a change from the current council which has 56.
The Commission is the independent body that draws these boundaries. It is reviewing Thanet to make sure councillors represent about the same number of electors, and that ward arrangements help the council work effectively. It wants to be sure that its proposals reflect community ties and identities.
The electoral review will recommend new electoral arrangements for Thanet District Council, and the proposal includes:
- the total number of councillors elected to the council in the future;
- the number of wards;
- the number of councillors representing each ward;
- ward boundaries; and
- the names of wards.
The Commission is interested in views on which communities should be part of the same ward. What facilities do people share, such as parks, leisure centres or schools and shopping areas? What issues do neighbouring communities face that they have in common, such as high numbers of visitors or heavy traffic? Have there been new housing or commercial developments that have changed the focus of communities? And are there roads, rivers, railways or other features that people believe form strong boundaries between neighbourhoods?
In drawing up new electoral wards, the Commission must balance three legal criteria, namely:
- to deliver electoral equality: where each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the district;
- that the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities;
- that the electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government.
All submissions will be treated equally, and each case judged on its merits and against the legal criteria.
Members of public can give their views on the Local Government Boundary Commission website, or by
e-mail at [email protected], and by post:
Review Officer (Thanet)
PO Box 133
NE24 9FE
The website features technical guidance that explains the process and policies, as well as guidance on how to take part in each part of the process. There is also a webpage dedicated to the review of Thanet, which can be accessed via this link LGBC website, where you can find all the relevant information, access interactive maps of the current ward boundaries, and give your views.
The consultation is now live, and local people can give their feedback until 27 May 2024.
After the Commission have considered all representations made to them during this consultation, they intend to publish draft recommendations in September 2024.
They will then hold a further period of consultation on the draft recommendations.
The final recommendations are expected to be published in February 2025 with the new electoral arrangements coming into effect at the local elections in 2027.
Contact Information
Sara Archer (Parish Clerk)
- 07712 430142
Find Acol Parish Council
Acol Village Hall, The Street, Acol, Birchington, Kent
Additional Information
CCTV Cameras: Please report any incident in The Street to the Parish Council on 01843 821989. The Acol community has its own Facebook page:-