Progress in planning The North Thanet Link Road
Acol Parish Council
For information, I'm sharing the following article from The Isle of Thanet News.
Personally, I do not agree with Councillor Barry Lewis's views. It's true that the link road will support development - that's almost certainly going to happen regardless - and to that extent it will "attract more traffic". However, unlike the Newbury Bypass and M25, the new link road will not be part of the national trunk road network or facilitate faster routes or access to anywhere other than Thanet. i.e. Traffic that would be here anyway. Exceptions are the airport and port developments, if they happen, which will generate "through" traffic but, I would argue, provide much needed employment in the area and provide alternatives to still more development that would itself drive increased traffic volumes.
The Link Road will alleviate the pressure on our local lanes and byways that have developed into rat-runs, providing a much safer alternative and enabling complementary developments providing pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, and helping to restore lost community wellbeing.
Contact Information
Sara Archer (Parish Clerk)
- 07712 430142
Find Acol Parish Council
Acol Village Hall, The Street, Acol, Birchington, Kent
Additional Information
CCTV Cameras: Please report any incident in The Street to the Parish Council on 01843 821989. The Acol community has its own Facebook page:-