Police & Crime Plan Survey
Acol Parish Council
Matthew Scott, Kent's Police & Crtime Commissioner invites us all to complete a short survey wehich will help inform hios new plan for Kent Policing over the next 4 years.
We are also reminded to keep abreast of My Community Voice, which provides up-to-date police alerts and messages concerning information and issues in our local area. A link is also included on the Links page of this website.
Contact Information
Sara Archer (Parish Clerk)
- 07712 430142
Find Acol Parish Council
Acol Village Hall, The Street, Acol, Birchington, Kent
Additional Information
CCTV Cameras: Please report any incident in The Street to the Parish Council on 01843 821989. The Acol community has its own Facebook page:- www.facebook.com/Acol.Village/