News from your Parish Council - Dec. 2023
Acol Parish Council
News from The Parish Council – December 2023
Four Speedwatch volunteers and three Police Officers were involved in joint enforcement activity on Margate Hill, Nursery Fields, and Minster Road on 7th November. Richard had the opportunity to speak to some of the offenders pulled over by the Police and explain why we don’t think it’s a good idea to speed on our narrow, bendy roads without pedestrian provision (or they could choose to be issued with a speeding ticket 😂). Thanks to all. Further joint sessions will be arranged in the New Year.
Richard met with the Thanet and Dover Highways Community Liaison Officer to discuss highways matters including improved planning and notification of works in our village, modifications to make the Minster Road “build-out” (chicane) more effective which, if successful, will be replicated at the build-out at the bottom of Acol Hill, and regular contravention of the 7.5 tonne weight limit. Concerning the latter, it was suggested that we should join a “Lorry Watch” scheme operated by KCC, which is under consideration. A further meeting is planned in the new year to review our Highways Improvement Plan (HIP) and consider what other road safety measures are possible.
A meeting with Matthew Elmer, TDC’s Head of Cleansing Services to discuss Acol Street cleaning was postponed due to technical difficulties but has been rescheduled and will be reported in our January news.
A “Village Appraisal” booklet – the first stage in developing an Acol Neighbourhood Plan - is being worked-on and likely to be delivered to all village homes over the Christmas period. Please lookout for this and do not discard. We really need your active involvement in this important work for our community by completing and returning the enclosed questionnaire.
Sarah’s post, in the Facebook Acol Kent Discussion Group, of our booking of the Village Hall for a “bring your own food and drink” New Year’s Eve celebration with music and games for all, has met with a lot of interest. Further details will be posted on the Acol PC website and Facebook pages.
Unfortunately, uncooperative weather – over 5 months’ worth of rain in 30 days – made it impossible to prepare the promised footpath to Quex Park. The necessary grass will now be sown in the spring.
The fallen tree and others with ash die-back in our Recreation Ground have now been removed and it’s planned to replace them with varieties that will provide more seasonal colour, such as Cherry blossom.
There will be a special occasion ahead of the next Parish Council meeting to present “Freedom of the Parish of Acol” to former Acol Parish Councillors who worked hard for our community over many years. All villagers are invited to join the celebration, with mince pies and refreshments provided, at 7 pm on Thursday 21st December. The Parish Council meeting will follow at 8 pm.
Richard Steel (Chair)
Contact Information
Sara Archer (Parish Clerk)
- 07712 430142
Find Acol Parish Council
Acol Village Hall, The Street, Acol, Birchington, Kent
Additional Information
CCTV Cameras: Please report any incident in The Street to the Parish Council on 01843 821989. The Acol community has its own Facebook page:-