Parish Cllrs. & other representatives
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Cllr Richard Steel (Chair) (Communications, Highways)
Richard moved to Acol in 2016 having retired a few years earlier from a career in IT Management. He soon became involved in the Local Community, volunteering for the RNLI, litter-picking, and was for a short time a Parish Councillor, where he developed its website and started our Village Facebook page and the associated discussion group. About the same time Richard became, and continues as, Acol’s Speedwatch Co-ordinator. He led Acol’s successful project to bring FTTP infrastructure, making fast Internet access available to every village home. He is a keen walker and cyclist and passionate about improving local infrastructure supporting our local community.
Cllr Wendy Winpenny (Training, Health & Wellbeing)
Wendy has lived in Acol since April 2020 with her husband Gavin, the 8 cats and 6 chickens. Moving to the village during the pandemic strengthened her desire to become part of the community, where over the last couple of years Wendy (and Gavin) have hosted a number of village parties including the Jubilee. Wendy works for the NHS as the Quality, Governance and Professional Lead for the Podiatry service and will use her skills and knowledge when working with her Parish Council colleagues to try to make Acol a safe village to walk around and a hub of community spirit. Wendy became a parish councillor in 2022.
Cllr Gavin Winpenny (Planning & Development)
Cllr Kate Ruranski (Finance, Children & Families)
Kate has lived in Acol for 22 years having moved down from London. She has a background of working in advertising and publishing and more recently 14 years in healthcare in both NHS Community Orthopaedics, and respite work. She is married to Peter, who has lived in the village since 1984. Her hobbies include cooking, embroidery and reading. Recent retirement means that she now has the time to put something back into the local community while getting to know more of the locals in the village.
Cllr Sarah Corby (Leisure & Community)
Sarah has lived in Acol for 7 years, along with her husband and 2 dogs. Her background is in leisure management which for 24 years took her around the country living in 3 different places. Sarah set up her own business in 2018 and is passionate about the community. Sarah also wants to help with improving the safety of the roads, making our Village a safer place for all the residents.
Sara Archer – Parish Clerk
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