Neighbourhood Watch
Iris Osborne manages the circulation of Neighbourhood Watch alerts, advising of local issues. Please call her on 07980 978202 if you have questions or information.
As of Friday 6th October 2023, Kent Police have changed the way they issue alerts and they are now issued through a regular Newsletter.
Click on the following link to view the latest alerts.. - viewArea This takes you to the Thanet page where you can view the latest newsletters, view reports by Policing Area (we are in Thanet Villages) and look at other reporting areas across Kent. The page even includes the latest Road Works reports for our area! The pages are updated every Tuesday and Friday.
Also, see Alerts Post 6th October 2023. These are alerts relayed by Neighbourhood Watch that are in addition to those published in the regular eWatch newsletter.
Formerly, Neighbourhood Watch alerts were emailed to co-ordinators and posted to our Facebook page, with the latest alerts pinned in the "Featured" section at the top of the page. There is also a Neighbourhood Watch Photo Album containing all alerts that had been received.